Informed Pulse

The Classic New York Steakhouse That's The Oldest In The Country - The Takeout

The Classic New York Steakhouse That's The Oldest In The Country - The Takeout

People know that New York City is understood to be the place to find the best pizza in the world, but we bet you didn't know that they have a long-standing, historic relationship with steak, too. Established in 1868, The Old Homestead Steakhouse has been part of the NYC food scene longer than any other steakhouse in the country. Located in what is known as the "Meatpacking District" of Manhattan, The Old Homestead Steakhouse is easily spotted by the neon "STEAK HOUSE" sign and the massive cow statue on the front of the building.

Surrounded by a number of other restaurants, stores, coffee shops, and more, this classic restaurant has truly watched NYC grow over the years it's spent on 9th Ave. Trendy clubs and coffee shops line the streets of the Meatpacking District, and The Old Homestead Steakhouse is one location that has managed to stand the test of time. Before the internet, when print media and word of mouth were king, the restaurant cultivated a reputation that would last for many decades. When you want only the highest quality cuts of beef, just look for The Old Homestead Steakhouse to experience what is traditionally some of the city's best-prepared steaks.

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