Informed Pulse

Embracing 50: Lessons learned + a love letter to my teachers

By Molly Kimball

Embracing 50: Lessons learned + a love letter to my teachers

It's happening, y'all. I'm turning 50 this week. Reflecting on this milestone birthday, I've realized that, not only am I not dreading it; I am quite comfortably embracing it.

Perhaps that's because it seems 50 is different now than it was when I was a kid, and I don't think it's just wishful thinking. I know so many people in their 50's and older who are vibrant, thriving examples of how enjoyable life can be at this age (and beyond).

Although I am certainly not going into 50 with blind optimism, I have decided to embrace the years to come. Why? Because 50 years of experience has taught me that's not just the best way to age; it is the best way to live. As I look back over this half-century of life, there are countless lessons and insights that have shaped me, experiences and relationships that have helped me navigate life's complexities with resilience and, hopefully, grace.

Belief, persistence and taking risks

The journey of taking Ochsner Eat Fit from concept to reality over the past 12 years has brought with it the challenges that often come with launching a non-profit -- from gaining initial support for our mission to developing the systems and processes that would help bring our vision to life.

Without a budget for staff in the beginning, for the first three years, our 'team' was me, some very energetic interns and our client-facing dietitian Alexis Weilbaecher who has been tireless in her support from day one.

The creation and growth of Eat Fit has reinforced a crucial lesson for me: commitment to a vision, paired with consistency and perseverance, can turn even the most ambitious ideas into reality.

Growing thicker skin

During my first foray as a Times-Picayune columnist back in 2006, receiving a critical email or negative comment online could send me into a downward spiral of self-doubt. Thankfully, my then-editor Mark Lorando didn't give such feedback any more credence than it deserved.

"If you're going to do this, you've got to get thicker skin," he told me early on, reminding me that I had researched and quadruple-checked my details. He helped me make peace with the fact that not everyone would like everything I wrote, and that was ok. Thanks to Mark, I have learned to take feedback in stride and keep moving forward.

Insights from family: Curiosity, creativity and humor

Since I was a kid, my dad has modeled for me the beauty of curiosity through his meaningful connections with people and their stories. Small talk isn't really his thing. He wants to hear what's really going on. Over the years, I've had so many people share with me how special he's made them feel, oftentimes when they needed it most.

Watching my dad, I learned that everyone has a story. Everyone has something that makes them interesting and unique, if we just look for it. Paying attention, asking questions and really listening to the answers opens our eyes and hearts to the world around us.

I credit my stepmom Pat for bringing many new perspectives into my life, especially about how to view the world with honest emotion. Her approach to life - her ability to cry or laugh, to be silly or sad - has taught me to look for the bright spot in any situation, even in the darkest times.

My mom was smart, hard-working and fiercely loyal to those she loved. She was also wildly creative. She could sketch or paint anything, and she could figure out how almost anything worked and then do it herself - long before the days of YouTube.

I like to think I inherited my mom's creativity. Her ability to create and innovate has shaped my own approach: don't overthink the outcome and don't be afraid to try something new.

Essentialism and unconditional support

My husband Brad is beautifully balanced in everything he does. As someone who tends toward extremes, I have learned a lot about focus and intention from Brad. He reminds me that saying yes to one thing usually means saying no to something else. Prioritizing what truly matters enables us to devote our time and energy to the things that fill us up and help us reach our goals.

Through Amy, my oldest and closest friend, I have felt the power of unconditional love and support. Her showing up for the significant moments of my life -- whether she had to cross an ocean or just step across the street -- has shown me the value of deep, meaningful friendships.

Embracing the next decade

To me, turning 50 is as much about looking forward as it is about looking back. It's about applying the wisdom gained from past experiences to embrace future opportunities with optimism and enthusiasm. Here's to the next decade of life, fortified with lessons learned and open to experiences yet to come.

Molly Kimball, RD, CSSD, is a registered dietitian with Ochsner Health and founder of Ochsner's Eat Fit nonprofit initiative. For more wellness content, tune in to Molly's podcast, FUELED Wellness + Nutrition, and follow @MollykimballRD and @EatFitOchsner on social media.

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