Informed Pulse

Windiana to perform in Valparaiso

By Joseph S. Pete

Windiana to perform in Valparaiso

The Windiana Concert Band will perform a free show at Valparaiso University next month.

Windiana, a professional-level concert band based in Valparaiso, will premiere a work by award-winning composer Tyler Taylor at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 21 at the University Theatre Center for the Arts at Valparaiso University, 1709 Chapel Drive.

The performance also will include "a tour-de-force snare drum solo by Jared Coller and a variety of other selections selected to appeal to all audiences," Valparaiso University Director of Music Education and Bands Jeffrey Scott Doebler said.

Windiana will perform Taylor's "Uncharted," which he describes as "the exploration of an unknown and mysterious place." He's a composer and professional horn player from Louisville who earned degrees at Indiana University, the Eastman School of Music and the University of Louisville. His worked has been commissioned across the country, from Virginia to California.

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He did a residency with the Louisville Orchestra and has won a number of awards, including the 2024 San Francisco Emerging Black Composer Project Commission Award and the Howard Hanson Ensemble Prize.

Talyor will discuss his music at a public forum at 2 p.m. Nov. 21 in room 1518 of the Valparaiso University Center for the Arts.

The concert will include a guest snare drum solo from Jared Coller, the education manager for the LaPorte County Symphony Orchestra who will perform Prometheus Rapture by Sean Beeson. He's a Valparaiso University graduate who used to serve as the director of bands at Rensselaer High School and Middle School.

"The audience will be amazed by Mr. Coller's dazzling technique, impeccable rhythm, and artistic sensitivity," Doebler said.

The concert also will include performances of Timothy Mahr's "Fantasia in G," "Ancient Flower" by Japanese-American composer Yukiko Nishimura, a Spanish march by Florida composer Michele Fernandez, a song by John Philip Sousa about Flanders Fields, a march honoring Vietnam veterans and a piece by the late Chesterton composer Michael Boo.

The concert is expected to last about one hour. It's free and open to the public. No tickets are required, and all seats are general admission.

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