CASPER, Wyo. -- Ah, puns. Who doesn't love a good pun? The City of Casper loves one, to be sure. That's why they have announced that "Logan Chillson" is the winning name for this year's "Name Our Snow Plow" contest.
That's according to a social media post from the City of Casper, which stated that it received a "flurry of creative entries" that needed "some serious (and fun) deliberation." At the end of the day, it was "Logan Chillson" that scored the winning touchdown.
"Submitted by Sheila B. of Casper, this MVP-worthy name is inspired by Wyoming's own Logan Wilson, linebacker for the Cincinnati Bengals," the post stated. "With its clever nod to football greatness and winter chill, Logan Chillson is ready to tackle snowy streets and defend against icy drives. The folks at Streets and Traffic included the final football helmet design, which should be on the truck any minute."
The city thanked everyone who participated in the contest and teased that the snowplow could be used very, very soon.
"While winter's been quiet, Logan Chillson is on standby, ready to hit the field when the snow game begins," the post stated.