His & Hers, the weekday ESPN2 studio show co-hosted by Michael Smith and Jemele Hill, debuted today a recreation of the famous barbershop scene from "Coming to America" as a unique way to discuss one of the biggest fights of the century: Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny Pacquiao.
The video features scenes that were recreated shot-for-shot from the movie, with updated dialogue to reflect the Mayweather-Pacquiao fight. Smith and Hill both play multiple roles, as Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall did in "Coming to America." ESPN's Reese Waters and Robert Flores round out the cast.
His & Hers is a daily studio show co-hosted by Jemele Hill and Michael Smith that features the duo discussing and deliberating their opinions on the most popular sports storylines of the day. The 60-minute show airs weekdays at noon ET on ESPN2 following First Take.
ESPN will present extensive pre- and post-fight coverage across its platforms in English and Spanish of the much- anticipated match.