If the high stakes presidential election are causing troublesome thoughts, existential dread or rifts with loved ones, there's no need to white knuckle through it.
Take a deep breath. Literally.
Meditation and mindfulness teacher Rosie Acosta says focusing on each inhale and exhale can help regain that grounding sense of control that may be drowned out by the spiraling uncertainty of election season. Experts like Acosta, who works in Southern California for Headspace, a mental health company and app, want those struggling to know there are ways to lighten election-induced stress and navigate related tensions.
"I can control how I'm breathing. ... I can use my mindfulness practice and stay in the present moment, instead of worrying about what the outcome is going to be with an election," said Acosta, who contributed the guided meditations "Surviving Dinner Table Debates" and "Compassion During Campaign Season" to Headspace's "politics without panic" collection.
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"You forget how much power we actually have over this tension and this anxiety."
Mindfulness and setting boundaries
Acosta recalled how, back in 2016, political divisions seeped into a Christmas family gathering, turning an occasion for joy into a "ground for verbal war."
In navigating the aftermath, she said she learned to establish boundaries in the relationship with a relative and to focus on things that brought them together, rather than drew them apart. That could mean saying "'We're not talking about this right now; let's talk about something else,'" disengaging from an unhelpful conversation, she said, or bringing up a shared memory, instead of discussing the news.
"Mindfulness and meditation really help us reframe our relationships -- our relationships in general, but, specifically, our relationship to our thoughts," she said.
Headspace has also partnered with When We all Vote, a national nonpartisan voting initiative created by former first lady Michelle Obama, to provide eligible voters with free resources to ease election-season anxiety. There's a stress quiz to determine if you're "the collected constituent," "the overwhelmed optimist," "the weary worrier," or "the politically panicked."
"This is really intended to reach folks regardless of political affiliation or points of view," said Headspace's president, Christine Evans. "Regardless of who you are, you deserve mental health and support when you need it."
Skills for
disagreeing better
The Rev. Cynthia O'Brien often sees people getting especially nervous around Thanksgiving.
"Thanksgiving is people you love, but you might not see all the time," she said. "I hear people saying, 'Oh, my relatives in Texas think I have gone off the deep end, that they won't talk to me,' or 'my sister-in-law and I aren't speaking' and it's simply the political polarization that has come between."
One suggestion, she said, is not to have such conversations at the dinner table and opt instead for one-on-one chats.
O'Brien is no stranger to being in a room with people with different ideologies.
Based in Oregon, she's the pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Woodburn and Aurora Presbyterian Church, with small congregations that include conservatives and progressives.
She's also a national debate chair and a workshop moderator with Braver Angels, a nonprofit that does depolarization work. Workshops she moderates include ones teaching skills for disagreeing better.
"We're not trying to smooth over differences. We're teaching skills to bring out the differences in a responsible, loving, caring way," she said.
Normalizing the experience and practicing self-care
Dr. Petros Levounis, professor and chair of the Department of Psychiatry at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, said "people who feel particularly anxious about the election should rest assured that they are not alone."
He stressed the importance of taking care of one's physical health, getting enough sleep, eating well and exercising regularly. While such practices may sound "a little banal," he said, "they're just so central to our well-being."
Also, make time to relax and "perhaps having some breathing exercises, meditation, mindfulness; these are things that people have found quite helpful."
Levounis cautioned against relying on alcohol to calm nerves, saying it "invariably increases anxiety in the long run and I'm not talking about months and years. ... A few hours after heavy consumption of alcohol, the anxiety increases."
Be mindful of news intake, social media use
Some universities have also been providing their students with resources to manage election stress.
"We definitely have some students that really think a lot about politics and are aware of how that impacts them," said Shauna Olson Hong, director of counseling services at California State University, East Bay. Those include some from LGBTQ+ communities or who are undocumented or have family members who are, she said.
The counseling center has been offering tips online. Those include limiting news intake, being especially careful about checking news immediately before sleep, vetting news sources to follow reputable ones and being mindful of social media use.
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