Informed Pulse

Kevin Nash On Why Triple H Is a Best Fit To Run WWE Creative

By Jeremy Thomas

Kevin Nash On Why Triple H Is a Best Fit To Run WWE Creative

Kevin Nash recently pushed back on the prediction by Vince Russo that The Rock might replace Triple H as WWE Creative head and explained why. Russo suggested recently that Triple H might be gone from WWE by the end of 2025, and that The Rock -- a member of TKO's board of directors -- might replace him with Brian Gewirtz.

The prediction, to be clear, is simply speculation by Russo based on his belief that "more is gonna come out of" the lawsuits against WWE, and Nash spoke on his Kliq This Podcast about why Triple H is a better fit as WWE creative head than anyone else. You can see highlights below (h/t to Wrestling Inc):

On an example of why Triple H is better suited to run creative: "They brought back [Shinsuke Nakamura] and they were working out his entrance. It was on Instagram. And they showed Paul walking the production people through what he wanted. 'I want it lit not so much on the top, but underneath.' And he walked them through this entire process of what he saw personally for this guy's entrance. And I was just like... that's what makes the difference between good and great: Detail. And he's dialing this f***in' in, and I'm saying to myself, Dwayne doesn't have the time for that."

On the loyalty that Triple H has among the talent: "It's the Triple H era because... people will run through f**king walls for him. He gets it. And that's the intangible that Brian Gewirtz or Dwayne, they're not going to have."

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