MORGANTOWN, W.Va. (WBOY) -- For many, the holiday season is also the season of giving, and that can include participating in one of the most personal gifts: donating blood.
On Monday, Dec. 23, the American Red Cross will be hosting the annual Gift of Life Blood Drive at the CMA Church of Morgantown Fellowship Hall from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Those who decide to give will receive an exclusive, long-sleeved Red Cross T-shirt while supplies last.
In the United States, someone is in need of blood and/or platelets every two seconds. The 'O' blood type is the most often type requested by hospitals, according to the American Red Cross, and those with it are especially encouraged to give.
An email from the Red Cross goes on to say, "This is a busy time for many. In addition to travel, seasonal illness and the threat of winter weather can also lead to lower appointment numbers and decreased donor turnout, making it tougher to keep the blood supply stable."
Blood donations are not just used in emergency situations but also for those with cancer undergoing chemotherapy treatments, according to the American Cancer Society.
If you would like to donate blood, you can make an appointment by downloading the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting the Red Cross Blood website and entering the code 'GIFTOFLIFE', or by calling 1-800-733-2767.