Informed Pulse

Dachshunds' Excited Approval Over Their New Dogs Beds Is Total Cuteness Overload

By Mandi Jacewicz

Dachshunds' Excited Approval Over Their New Dogs Beds Is Total Cuteness Overload

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As parents know, what you do for one child must be done for another. This holds true even for our four-legged kids. But when you have eight dogs, that's no small feat, especially when assembling a bed for each one.

However, this Dachshund Mom is a total pro, and her skills shine as brightly as Christmas lights during this major production. Watch how happy her efforts made her pups in this video shared on December 18:

It takes an immense amount of energy to run a household with eight dogs, yet Yuna (@yunabugs) makes it seem effortless. However, even the most experienced dog mom might start to sweat when tasked with assembling eight little dog beds. Her only initial concern was the quality, but she soon discovered they were pretty sturdy. Even better, they were relatively simple to put together. The only complication? Her beloved Dachshunds were making her job tougher by being overly enthusiastic. They were just too eager to test out their new sleeping spots! As soon as she'd take one pup out of an incomplete bed, another would hop right in. LOL! The rest of the "Weens" patiently waited for their turn as the other beds were assembled, and once all the pillows were fluffed and beds ready, they all settled in for a long winter nap. This level of cuteness is too much to handle!

Related: Mom Assembles Human-Sized Dog Bed for 8 Dachshunds and It's Fabulous

This isn't the first time Yuna has assembled beds for her eight dogs. If you remember the bunk beds she made for them, you may wonder where they are. Unfortunately, she reveals in the comments that she had to take them down because her pups would "parkour" off the top bunk. While that must've been quite a sight to witness, Dachshunds are prone to IVDD, so she did it to protect them.

Back Problems in Dachshunds

Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) is the most common condition affecting Dachshunds. This disease can cause the intervertebral discs, which act as cushions between the vertebrae, to degenerate, bulge, or rupture. As a result, affected dogs may experience pain, nerve compression, and, in severe cases, paralysis. According to the Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW), approximately 25% of Dachshunds will develop IVDD. The severity of IVDD can vary, ranging from mild discomfort to severe neurological symptoms. Dachshunds are more prone to these spinal issues because of the chondrodystrophic gene, which affects cartilage development. Their unique body shape also means the discs between their vertebrae endure more stress than in other breeds. Therefore, activities such as jumping off furniture, climbing stairs, and engaging in other high-impact movements can lead to complications. It is important to maintain a healthy weight, use ramps instead of stairs, and avoid allowing them to jump to prevent these issues.

When Santa arrives at their new home this year, he'll find eight precious Dachshunds sleeping soundly in their beds.

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