Informed Pulse

The David Lynch Line That Reveals the Humanity of His Work

By Matthew Byrd

The David Lynch Line That Reveals the Humanity of His Work

Variety confirmed Thursday that legendary writer-director David Lynch has passed away at the age of 78. The news was first shared by Lynch's family via this Facebook post: "It is with deep regret that we, his family, announce the passing of the man and the artist, David Lynch. We would appreciate some privacy at this time. There's a big hole in the world now that he's no longer with us. But, as he would say, 'Keep your eye on the donut and not on the hole.' It's a beautiful day with golden sunshine and blue skies all the way."

"Keep your eye on the donut, not on the hole" is one of many memorable lines David Lynch shared with the world during his remarkable time on earth. Though the phrase is not one of his creations, the line certainly gets to the heart of Lynch's outlook and creative philosophy. "Let's keep our eye on the donut," Lynch once explained, "the hole is so deep and so bad. The donut is a beautiful thing."

For some, that quote also summarizes David Lynch as he was often publicly perceived: an eccentric creator who was fond of bewildering audiences with absurd visuals, concepts, and dialogue. There was always a hint of truth in that perception.

Lynch carved a path for the future's more interesting artists and works by destroying preconceived notions about what kind of entertainment can reach a wide audience. His debut film Eraserhead paved the way for a new generation of esoteric filmmakers, just as Twin Peaks set the stage for shows like The Sopranos and the golden age of TV dramas. It is relatively easy to track the influence of his works by tracking those who confess to seeing a David Lynch film and suddenly rethinking what was possible. That's one of the reasons the word "Lynchian" entered our film lexicon. Even those who never quite "got" the director have probably used that phrase to describe some surreal and dreamlike piece of media that defies simple description.

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