Informed Pulse

Economy passengers are scoring free booze from first class with this...

Economy passengers are scoring free booze from first class with this...

Travelers in economy have devised a clever trick to still score free alcohol without a ticket for a first-class seat.

According to a recent Reddit post, flyers pretend to sit down in first class like it's their assigned seat just to receive the complimentary alcoholic beverage, then make their way to their real seats after coming up with an excuse as to why they need to get up.

The Redditor claimed they were sitting in the second row on a flight from Rhode Island to Atlanta when two women boarded "haphazardly" and sat down in the first row, tossed their bags in the overhead compartment and "settled in."

Minutes later, the user recounted, another woman entered the plane and informed the pair that one of their seats was, in fact, hers.

"They quickly get up laugh and say 'we are rookies,'" the anonymous user explained. "The flight attendant asks what row they are in and they say 24. They leave their bags and travel back to their row."

While the Redditor had "never seen anything like that before," the flight attendant said that "it just happened for the first time to him earlier."

Apparently, "the people sat down, received their pre-flight booze and then said I'm just going to go say hi to my sister in the back of the plane and walked off with the free drink to obviously not return."

"I'm assuming the ultimate goal is to get the drink and move out before they are sussed out," the user wrote in the comments.

The supposed hack ignited debate on the Reddit thread, with some calling it "theft of services" and arguing that the pair should have been booted from the flight.

"Sounds close to dine and dash to me," scoffed one person.

"Why do people think theft of services is cute," chided another. "People pay for the drinks with their ticket price. Upgrades go to those who travel frequently and spend money on travel. The bag thing kills me too. An a-hole does it now everyone does. Keep your stuff with you and stop trying to scam."

"Kick them off the plane," another fumed. "Attempting to defraud the airline is plenty reason."

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