Throw big numbers at me before a workout, and I will likely wince. But tell me that I can strengthen my core and hips using just three exercises and minimal weights -- I'm sold.
Plus, this full-body beasting will get your heart racing and only takes 15 minutes.
These days, we're all pretty busy and finding time to move our bodies means getting more efficient with the hours we have. Everyone handles their load differently: a sunrise workout for the early risers, an after-office workout to shake off the day, or maybe you break up your hours with a lunchtime sweat.
For those who don't want to tackle one big gym session, maybe it's exercise snacking throughout the week instead.
However you plan your exercise schedule, it's safe to say we all love (and maybe sometimes hate a little...) to move. That post-workout glow keeps bringing us back to the mat time and time again no matter how tough the workout. But not everyone wants to spend hours doing it.
So why not roll out one of the best yoga mats for home workouts and save time with this 15-minute glow-getting dumbbell workout? Here's one I made earlier.
This workout is inspired by a CrossFit WOD called Ingrid. Don't be fooled by the name because you won't want to get over-familiar with her.
Perform 3 reps of each exercise back-to-back for 10 rounds total. You have a 12-minute time cap to complete as many rounds as you can within the time. I recommend a 3-minute (or longer) mobility routine to warm up your muscles and joints -- including the shoulders and hip joints -- before starting. From experience, I'd also make a note of your rounds on your phone throughout.
Here's one of my favorite full-body mobility routines to get you going. On to the exercises...
A core, quad and hip flexor masterclass. Bear squats will get your legs and core burning without the need to add weights. Here's how to do the bear squat step-by-step.
Duck walks are the ultimate lower-body mobility hack for building stronger legs while improving your hip, knee and ankle mobility. Rather than reps, choose a 5-10 meter distance and complete 3 lengths.
Go heavy on the man makers as you're low on reps. This move combines a burpee, push-up, renegade row, clean and squat and overhead press into one exercise. Take the time to learn each phase of the move step-by-step, then bring them together into a "flow."