Informed Pulse

More Americans Died Due to COVID 19 Injections than in WWI, WWII, and the Vietnam War Combined | From the Trenches World Report

More Americans Died Due to COVID 19 Injections than in WWI, WWII, and the Vietnam War Combined | From the Trenches World Report

More Americans died due to COVID 19 injections than in WWI, WWII, and the Vietnam War combined. This simple fact is astounding. There are approximately 38,000 reported deaths from COVID 19 injections in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) system. Based on studies, the under reporting in VAERS can be anywhere from 1 of 30, to 1 of 100 cases reported. This could put the number of Americans murdered via COVID 19 injections at 3.8 million.

In World War I there were approximately 116,516 American military deaths. In World War II there were approximately 405,399 American military deaths. In the Vietnam War there were approximately 58,220 American military deaths. In total, the combined American military deaths from all three wars were 580,135. So even the low end death projections from the COVID 19 injections exceeded the total American military deaths from all three wars. The high end death projections exceed the number of Americans that died in all wars.

It should be pointed out that the death toll from the COVID 19 injections may be much higher. The VAERS statistics are only reports of acute cases early on. In other words, the people dying one, two, or three years later, for instance, from cancer, heart disease, and so on, are not being reported at all. As the years roll on, these deaths will not be reported. Someone dying from complication or disease or disorder, five, ten, or twenty years after being injected, will not likely be attributed to an injection they received years earlier even though that was primary the cause.

We can see this already with people we know. While some recognize that their cancer or other disease or disorder was caused by the injection, others are oblivious to this reality. Imagine the disconnect if the death occurs a decade after being injected.

The only possible way to adequately measure the full devastation of the bioweapon injections impact on humanity is to conduct a comprehensive study of the 'vaccinated' and 'unvaccinated' and compare all cause mortality of each group as well as prevalence of diseases and disorders in each group. There is a limited window of time to do such a study. Over time the projection of deaths for each year will be adjusted to absorb the increase in deaths due to the shots. This means that even though deaths are increasing each year, there will no longer be excess deaths as the projections have changed. In other words, they will cheat on the projections to accommodate the excess deaths. Also, as time goes on more people will be injured by the shedding. This means that even the disparity between the two groups will dwindle to a degree without cheating on the projections. Since the damage appears does dependent it is likely that the injected will see greater fatalities and more diseases than the uninjected do from the shedding, even as more uninjected get sick and die.

Will there be monuments in the future to the fallen in this campaign of global extermination? Will the victims of this biowarfare campaign be recognized as casualties of war?

Time will tell.

As it stands now, the deafening silence and prohibition regarding talking about the bioweapon injection injuries and deaths is astounding. We just witnessed a presidential campaign where none of the primary or general election candidates were allowed to speak of the massive deaths and disabilities caused by the mRNA injections. With 70-75% of television advertising coming from the pharmaceutical industry, this media blackout on the truth about the biowarfare campaign against the human race, does not appear to be on the verge of changing anytime soon.

The mRNA nanoparticle injections are associated with a 112,000% increase in brain clots compared to the flu shots. This is based on data collected from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database from January 1, 1990, to December 31, 2023. Researchers concluded, "There is an alarming breach in the safety signal threshold concerning cerebral thrombosis AEs after COVID-19 vaccines compared to that of the influenza vaccines and even when compared to that of all other vaccines. An immediate global moratorium on the use of COVID-19 vaccines is necessary with an absolute contraindication in women of reproductive age."

There is a 1236% increase in cardiac arrest deaths, and One in 35 or 2.8% of those injected got heart damage. Approximately 270,227,181 people or 81% of the U.S. population have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 bioweapon injection. This means that almost 8 million Americans got heart damage due to the injections.

Basically, the mRNA nanoparticle injections are shown to cause harm, including death, and to have a negative effectiveness. This means that not only do the shots not work, but you are also more likely to get infected if injected.

Furthermore, the mRNA nanoparticle injections have been shown to injure people via shedding of the technology. A recent study showed that being in close proximity to the 'vaccinated' (bioweapon injected) was strongly associated with abnormalities with a woman's menstrual cycle. I know multiple physicians that have told me about patients that were unvaccinated, but were dating or married to an injected person, and ended up having heart issues. I personally know of people as well where this occurred. This appears time sensitive from when the person was injected.

My brilliant colleague, Dr. Ana Mihalcea, M.D., PhD, has documented the effects of shedding and the self assembling nanotechnology from the shots, by examining the blood of unvaccinated patients in her clinic using dark field microscopy. She documents the effects regularly on her Substack and in her new books TransHuman Volume I, and Transhuman Volume II. Dr. Mihalcea exposes the depopulation agenda as well as the transhumanist goals of merging humanity with technology an consciousness with artificial intelligence.

This means that we were baited like insects.

It appears that the rulers of the world are dead set on continuing their war on humanity. It is a multiprong asymmetrical war. As a mass media marketing campaign is under way to pump the bird flu, mRNA nanoparticle injections will likely be sure to follow.

Pretending this isn't happening isn't going to make it go away. The mRNA platform needs to be shut down immediately.

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