Informed Pulse

9 Unexpected Things We Learned About Mental Health and Our Brains in 2024 | KQED

9 Unexpected Things We Learned About Mental Health and Our Brains in 2024 | KQED

"Brain rot" is the Oxford word of the year for 2024, and it's pretty much what it sounds like: a perceived mental decline from consuming too much online media. If just reading that definition has you worried about your gray matter, never fear! Researchers are finding promising -- and surprising -- ways to boost our brain health and de-stress our minds. Here are nine stories on the topic that engaged our readers this year.

Yes, typing is usually much faster than writing by hand. But increasingly, studies are finding deep brain benefits when we write out letters and words by hand. For kids, it can improve letter recognition and learning; and when adults take notes by hand it can lead to better conceptual understanding of material.

Brain imaging studies suggest it has to do with the fine-tuned coordination required between motor and visual systems, which deeply engages the brain. Some artists even say writing by hand stokes their creativity. So, if you're feeling stuck -- try jotting down your idea with pen and paper.

Can what you eat make you more resilient to stress? Maybe! A recent analysis found that the guts of people who handled stress better shared two patterns: Their microbiomes had more anti-inflammatory microbes, and they had a strong "gut barrier," which keeps toxins and pathogens out of the bloodstream.

Scientists already know that our gut and brain talk to each other. (In fact, the gut produces about 90% of serotonin and about 50% of dopamine.) So, will eating fermented foods like kimchi or yogurt or taking probiotic supplements help you stay chill?

It's not that simple, scientists say, because the gut microbiome is a complex ecosystem. Still, researchers are working on identifying biomarkers in gut bacteria that someday could help tailor decisions on how to use existing therapies -- or develop new treatments. Learn more about microbes and mental health.

Your body already knows this: When you sacrifice sleep for work, it can take a toll on your mental health. Now, research is finding that specifically working nights and rotating shift schedules can leave people susceptible to depression and poor health.

Work is supposed to bring in income to support us, says researcher Wen-Jui Han, but many people are working themselves sick and becoming "more and more miserable over time."

About 16% of American workers worked outside daytime hours in 2019; Black men and women with limited education disproportionately carry the burden of these shifts. Han says she hopes the study prompts more conversations about how to better support people to live happy and healthy lives. Here's more on the link between shift work and depression.

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